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Acting as an Ethics/CSR consultant working for Greenleaf consultants, you will be acting on behalf of a major housebuilding company whereby you will research and assess contemporary ethical and corporate social responsibility issues (examples outlined below) for your client
The primary theme of the paper is Acting as an Ethics/CSR consultant working for Greenleaf consultants, you will be acting on behalf of a major housebuilding company whereby you will research and assess contemporary ethical and corporate social responsibility issues (examples outlined below) for your client in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
This paper revolves around ethics organisation and society in which you have to write a report, performing the role of Ethics/CSR consultant and representing your comprehension about the significance of individual, organisational ethical and social responsibility. Moreover, you have to focus on the following features deeply:
Explore contemporary ethical and corporate social responsibility issues
Examine the advantages and disadvantages of corporate social responsibility
Recommend different alternatives and solutions regarding ethical aspects
Ethics Organisations and Society – Assessment Brief
Report to advise the building industry on responsible management
Your assessment will take the form of a 3,000 word (maximum word count) report in which you will demonstrate your achievement of module learning outcomes and application of ethical thinking to business decision making.
You will be expected to show that you understand the importance of individual and organisational ethical and social responsibility and that you can think about ethics apply ethical decision making and responsible management thinking in the case you examine. You will show that you can professionally challenge thinking about ethics and corporate social responsibility, have analysed and applied that thinking to your case and that the recommendations you make in the report show your current orthodoxy and present realistic alternatives ethical awareness in finding solutions
The Task
Acting as an Ethics/CSR consultant working for Greenleaf consultants , you will be acting on behalf of a major housebuilding company whereby you will research and assess contemporary ethical and corporate social responsibility issues (examples outlined below) for your client. Having chosen a subject to explore you will research what your chosen company’s current position and policy is, you will examine for the company the pros and cons of corporate social responsibility, research how the company can be informed of their practice through reports and research on the issue, comparison to other companies approaches to the issue and what academic research says can tell us about the issue.
You will be expected to inform the company about how ethical principles and theory and values can guide how the company’s approach to moral decision making.
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