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Home Solutions A description of the discriminatory practices that exist within society today on young people who belong to one of the protected categories within the Equality Act 2010.
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The primary theme of the paper is A description of the discriminatory practices that exist within society today on young people who belong to one of the protected categories within the Equality Act 2010. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
BA Child and Youth Studies, BA Social Sciences, BA Health Studies
Recognising and Challenging Discrimination and Disadvantage
Assessment 2:
2,250 word essay
During this module we have considered a number of disadvantaged groups within society. During this assessment you are required to evaluate the position of disadvantaged young people within today’s society.
Your assessment should have three distinct parts:-
Additional 15% marks are gained as follows:
The specific criteria for this assessment are as follows:
General Essay guidance:
Your essay should follow the normal conventions, e.g. consisting of an introduction, main body, and conclusion. You must include a Reference Section but no Bibliography is required. All submission must include a completed Submission Sheet with your Student ID and page numbers indicated on each page.
Your essay is expected to be 2,250 words in length. It is acceptable that students will submit an essay within + or – 10% of this word count. Considerably fewer words than 2,250 may indicate that your essay contains insufficient depth. Considerably more words than 2,250 may indicate a lack of the academic discipline in selecting the appropriate material whilst remaining conciseness in your presentation. In cases where a word limit has been grossly over stepped, in fairness to other students who have adhered to the word limit, tutors will enforce the UHI Regulations regarding word counts for assessment submissions.
Your essay should be submitted using the Grade Center no later than the due date given.
Please contact your PAT as soon as possible should you be experiencing any specific difficulties, e.g. illness, which may impact upon your ability to meet this deadline. For details of the penalties that will apply in the case of late submission of an assessment please refer to the current UHI Regulations.
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UK Registered Company # 11483120
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