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Home Solutions 2. What is the deference between the territorial waters of a state and the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone)? What the International Law of the Sea provides for? (20 marks)
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The primary theme of the paper is 2. What is the deference between the territorial waters of a state and the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone)? What the International Law of the Sea provides for? (20 marks) in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
In this paper, you are asked to explain Customary International law, it’s characteristics and implementation. Also refer the other sources of International law. Furthermore, you are to answer if the separate state is recognized by the International Community or not. And the state can defend their legal existence. Can the legal authority of separate state’s legal argument be prevented on Un charter? And finally, What are articles and principle of UN charter? And why are they provided?
Please answer the following questions:
Part A:On October 2, 2014, State (A) invaded State (B) and by using force, state (A) occupied a territory of about 25% of state (B). Two years after the invasion, the authorities of the occupied area declared a separate independent state. A) Can this separate entity be recognized by the International Community or not? B) How can the legal authorities of sate (A) defend their legal existence? C) Can the legal argument of the legal authorities of state (A) be grounded on the UN Charter? Which is the main article or articles and principles of the UN Charter that they should activate and what this article or these articles and principles provide(s) for? D) Refer to the theoretical background of article 1 paragraph 4 of the UN Charter (60 marks). You may refer to real cases in order to found your arguments. Part B: 2. What is the deference between the territorial waters of a state and the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone)? What the International Law of the Sea provides for? (20 marks)4. Explain what is Customary International Law? State it’s Characteristics and implementation.
B) Refer to the other sources of International Law Part a) 750 WordsPart B) 750 Words split into the two questions
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