1. social media moderates the relationship between marketing tools, brand awareness and brand association
The primary theme of the paper is 1. social media moderates the relationship between marketing tools, brand awareness and brand association in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $299 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
Research to be conducted on:
Influence of social media on the relationship between traditional marketing communication and consumer purchase intention.
SPSS Data and research findings should demonstrate that:
- 1. social media moderates the relationship between marketing tools, brand awareness and brand association
- 2. brand awareness and brand association mediate the relationship between social media communication and purchase intention.
The hypotheses in this study are as follows:
H1a: Personal selling creates a significant influence on brand awareness
H1b: Advertising creates a significant influence on brand awareness
H1c: Public relations creates a significant influence on brand awareness
H1d: Sales promotion creates a significant influence on brand awareness
H1e: Direct marketing creates a significant influence on brand awareness
H2a: Personal selling positively influences brand association
H2b: Advertising positively influences brand association
H2c: Public relations positively influences brand association
H2d: Sales promotion positively influences brand association
H2e: Direct marketing positively influences brand association
H3a: Social media moderates the relationship between personal selling and brand awareness
H3b: Social media moderates the relationship between advertising and brand awareness
H3c: Social media moderates the relationship between public relations and brand awareness
H3d: Social media moderates the relationship between sales promotion and brand awareness
H3e: Social media moderates the relationship between direct marketing and brand awareness.
H4a: Social media moderates the relationship between personal selling and brand association.
H4b: Social media moderates the relationship between advertising and brand association.
H4c: Social media moderates the relationship between public relations and brand association.
H4d: Social media moderates the relationship between sales promotion and brand association.
H4e: Social media moderates the relationship between direct marketing and brand association.
H5: Brand awareness mediates the relationship between traditional marketing communication activities and purchase intention.
H6: Brand association mediates the relationship between traditional marketing communication activities and purchase intention.
H7: Brand association relates positively to purchase intention.
H8: Brand association relates positively to purchase intention.
H9: Traditional marketing tools relate positively to purchase intention.
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