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1. It must continue to attract families to Saturday school in order to maintain and build income - to date this has largely been done by word of mouth and some leafleting.
The primary theme of the paper is 1. It must continue to attract families to Saturday school in order to maintain and build income - to date this has largely been done by word of mouth and some leafleting. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
DDM Assessment
Croydon Supplementary Education Project (CSEP) is a charity and social enterprise based in Croydon, a borough in South London. Croydon has a very mixed population and one of the highest proportions of young people across the 33 London Boroughs.
CSEP has been running for over 30 years and provides a range of services. Its flagship Saturday School works to develop competence and excellence in the core subjects of the National Curriculum (English, Maths and Science). CSEP provides help and support to young people in terms of study skills, revision techniques, help with mainstream school topics and projects. Around 100 children from year one to year eleven attend each Saturday for two hour classes taught by qualified teachers and supported by teaching assistants and volunteers.
The Task
The charity has two main objectives for Direct and Digital Marketing:
1. It must continue to attract families to Saturday school in order to maintain and build income - to date this has largely been done by word of mouth and some leafleting. Until recently CSEP has had a website which had become very out of date - this is in the process of being redeveloped by a volunteer. The charity has a Facebook page and Twitter account but these have not been updated for some time. Direct channels are important but social media also offers potential for the charity since it has little money for marketing but this needs developing.
2. Part of CSEP’s income is generated during the week by letting out rooms in its building for education and training purposes (this purpose is a restriction in the lease) - the charity would like to raise awareness and attract more weekday users who are typically local companies, government departments who need extra space and other education or training based charities
Marking grid:
Overview of task:
This is an individual assignment and requires you to write up a professional plan that will include a summary of all the key points from the group presentation upon which your recommendations are made, together with a detailed implementational plan outlining the core tactics, anticipated results, methods of tracking and measurement, budget requirements and key metrics for the proposed activity. Students must consider both the message strategy and media channel issues along with legal, data and ethical considerations within their recommendations. The work must be formulated into the style of a high quality business report of c2000 words. Coursework deadline: Week 13
A short summary introduction with highlights from the background analysis leading into details of the objectives, key issues, target audience considerations and proposed strategies
Acquisition & Retention Proposals
Implementational direct and digital marketing plans including This should detail the proposed acquisition activity (how you will attract people and convert them) and considerations for retention (how you will keep in contact with users so that they continue to purchase)
Finance & Accountability
Itemised budget breakdown with supporting rationale. Identification of key metrics for ongoing measurement together with plans for monitoring and analysis to ensure that the KPIs are met
Professional presentation in the style of a business report. Marks will be given for correctness of layout, structure of document, clarity of written word, correct use & labelling of diagrams or tables, referencing, use of appendix & bibliography
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