1. Explore the range of expectations for professio

1. Explore the range of expectations for professional zoo management set out by the Secretary of State as well as the EU and international legal framework affecting collections

The primary theme of the paper is 1. Explore the range of expectations for professional zoo management set out by the Secretary of State as well as the EU and international legal framework affecting collections in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $149 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.

Royal Agricultural University

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Module name


Professional Business Practice

Module number



Staff member setting exercise


Moderator (for assessment brief and marked coursework)


Word or time length guide


2,000 words (+-10%)


Contribution to module assessment (%)



Date set


11th October 2017

Submission deadline [date + time]

24th November 2017 15:00 pm


Your work should be submitted with the appropriate cover sheet, available through Moodle/Gateway.


Work should be submitted online via Gateway ONLY.


Your attention is drawn to the penalties for late submission set out in the Academic Regulations available through Gateway.


Arrangements for submission

Gateway Turnitin by 15:00pm.


Return date/feedback


University regulations for assessment

All assessments are subject to the Academic Regulations.


Work should follow normal academic conventions for acknowledging sources using the Harvard reference system (see Library guide on Harvard referencing).


Requirements for the assessment

Business Practice Portfolio.


You shall produce a portfolio of evidence documenting an investigation of a chosen animal related business which follows the Zoo Licensing Act, on how the business is regulated by UK/EU legislation and how the animals’ information is managed through an online record keeping system.


Learning outcomes tested

  1. Explore the range of expectations for professional zoo management set out by the Secretary of State as well as the EU and international legal framework affecting collections.
  2. 2.    Demonstrate the ability to plan and evidence a range of stock, safety, health, conservation and enclosure management records complied with best practice.

Marking criteria


The assessment will be marked according to the following specific marking criteria:


  • Efficient evidence on the project.
  • Academic literature referenced.
  • Structure of the portfolio.
  • Evaluation of legislation.
  • Evaluation of the business record system.
  • Full use of word count.
  • Quality of written communication.


Late Submission: 40% max up to one week late. Zero thereafter.


Word count: 1 mark deducted per 50 words over the word count.


Assessments are marked according to the RAU Policy using the current marking criteria for assignments.



Special instructions (only include if required)

Choose a NAMED Zoo animal business/organisation.


Suggested structure of portfolio:



Title of the project (Clear word count displayed).


Contents Page:

List the sections of the portfolio. List the tables, figures, images.



An overview of the business evaluated (History).


Literature Review & Evaluation:

Evaluate what legislation the animal business is regulated under (EU and UK legislation) and how the business complies with the legislation.


Investigate an online animal record keeping software that is available for your chosen animal business, evaluate the efficiency of the software (advantages/disadvantages/improvements) and suggest how it would be implemented within the animal business.





(If applicable-not part of the wordcount)


Reference List


Guidance Notes:

Use illustrated images of the online record keeping software.  

Online animal record keeping software: Animal Shelter Manager (ASM) sheltermanager.com

International Species Information System (ISIS)  http://www.species360.org/


Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS)

SPARKS (Population Analysis and Records Keeping System)

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