Name: Student No: Campus (or Online):
1. Briefly define what is meant by IHRM?
The study and application of all human resource management activities as they impact the process of managing human resources in enterprises in the global environment
2. According to Morgan, IHRM is the interaction and interplay of which three dimensions?
The HR activities of procurement, allocation & utilization
The countries where IHRM occurs:
Parent-country, Host-country and Other-countries (e.g. may be source of labour, finance & other inputs
The employees of an international firm, e.g.
PCN – Parent country national (i.e. from where MNC Head office is based)
HCN – Host country national (i.e. from where subsidiary is based)
TCN – Third country national (from a country that is different to the above)
3. Please outline four differences between domestic and international HRM and provide a brief example for each difference?
IHRM is responsible for a greater level of risk
There are more risks involved in IHRM than in the domestic HRM.
IHRM is responsible for greater involvement in people’s lives
In an IHRM, there is more attention given to the associate or employee’s personal well-being.
IHRM is responsible for a broader expertise and perspective
IHRMs have more functions and are subject to more strict international rules and are more exposed to a wider array of activities as opposed to domestic HRMs.