1. Assess the context and development of collaborative working within the criminal justice system.
The primary theme of the paper is 1. Assess the context and development of collaborative working within the criminal justice system. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $159 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
Multi-Agency Working- Essay Guidance Section
The learning outcomes for this module are as follows:
Knowledge and Understanding
On successful completion of this module students will be able to
- Assess the context and development of collaborative working within the criminal justice system.
- Critically evaluate the contribution of multi-agency working to the management of crime and the protection of the public.
- Evaluate multi-agency initiatives- their strengths and challenges
My intention is to assess your learning in relation to these outcomes through the following case study:
Gwilym Richards is 28 and, three months ago, he was released from prison having served 9 years of a 15 year ‘standard determinate’ sentence for attempted murder of his girlfriend. He had been abusive to his girlfriend for some time and offended when she told him she was going to leave him. Records show he attacked her with a knife and subjected her to a sexual assault.
Whilst serving his sentence in prison he attended the sex offender treatment programme but there were issues in relation to how he engaged with female staff (he was described as flirtatious, suggestive and ‘creepy’). As a result he did not progress beyond a Cat B prison.
Aspects of his release were managed from the Cat B prison (HMP Cardiff) by the local community rehabilitation company who manage the resettlement provision. They made appointments for him to have a bank account, to attend the DSS and a local housing provider on his release from prison. Supervision, however, was undertaken by the National Probation Service because Mr Richards had been designated a Category 1, Level 2 Mappa case.
Mr Richards’s licence conditions required him to live at the local probation hostel, to observe a curfew from 7pm to 7am, not to drink to excess and to notify staff of his whereabouts at all times. He kept those conditions but was described as ‘secretive and strange’ by hostel staff
Three months on, an anonymous caller has contacted police to say Mr Richards has struck up a relationship with a local woman and been spending time at her address. The woman, Ms Jackson, is 35 and has two children- Jack aged 14 and Lynn aged 7. The children are on the local ‘child in need’ register because Ms Jackson’s father was abusive (he has recently left the family home).
When Mr Richards is confronted about his relationship, he does not deny he has been going to Ms Jackson’s house. He says he kept it a secret because prison taught him not to trust ‘staff’, he wanted “a chance at a normal life” and he “knew if he mentioned it, probation might require him to tell the woman about his past”.
A mappa meeting has, coincidentally, been scheduled for the next day. Critically examine the issues and challenges that could arise in respect of multi-agency working as those present are told what has happen and have to decide how they should react.
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