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1. Allow you to demonstrate your ability to utilise and contextualise significant amount of research, applying investigatory and analytical skills to derive meaningful outcomes within a defined timeframe.
The primary theme of the paper is 1. Allow you to demonstrate your ability to utilise and contextualise significant amount of research, applying investigatory and analytical skills to derive meaningful outcomes within a defined timeframe. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $99 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
2.1 Assessment Introduction The Business Integration Project Part 2 (BIP2) requires you to undertake a business orientated project aimed at improving employability as well as providing a platform for a potential commercial venture. For the BIP2 project you must can choose either a Business Plan or Business Report. BIP2 is designed in such way that you conduct research, analysis and potentially planning in an area of personal and professional interest. In particular, the assessment is designed to fulfil the following key education aims of BIP2: 1. Allow you to demonstrate your ability to utilise and contextualise significant amount of research, applying investigatory and analytical skills to derive meaningful outcomes within a defined timeframe. 2. Demonstrate the ability to write a detailed document that address a business issue or opportunity. 3. Create an opportunity for you to develop a range of skills associated with research including analysis, interpretation, written expression, formal report writing, and self-managed study 4. Allow you to work on a complex, integrated activity that will consolidate and integrate previous skills and learning. 5. Provide you with a ‘showcase’ that allows you to demonstrate your ability to apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout the course to a significant and specialised task. 2.2 Assessment brief The assessment is made up of 1 component Written Project (100% of module grade) • 3,000 words individual written project. You must choose either a Business Plan or a Business Report. BPP University Business School: September 2015 Business Plans • The business plan should follow the expected protocol (a template is provided on the VLE), and present relevant information including financial information for a new start-up. • The plan should include realistic information based on research and should consider the business opportunity, investor requirements, competitor and environmental analysis, competitive advantage, operations and marketing. • Astute and realistic financial projections and requirements must be given to support the plan. Therefore, there must be evidence of robust secondary data research to justify the viability of the business plan. • The business plan can be a not-for-profit organisation as long as funding and viability is fully justified. • There must not fabrication of details and figures. Any technologies referred to must be in existence and not made up/new inventions. • There may be a focus on developing existing products or services (finding new markets), as well your original ones. However, either way they must show a commercial justification for the plan including a clear USP (unique selling point). Business Reports • The business report should be structured appropriately and present relevant information proposing an evaluation to a business issue either in the form of a solution to a business problem, or an answer to a business question. • The business report will normally only use secondary data, which should be used to identify, qualify and quantify (where possible) the issue being explored, and as a basis for recommended solutions or conclusions. • There must be evidence of appropriate theoretical application throughout. • Primary research – such as interviews – can be incorporated but should not form the main basis of critical evaluation/analysis for the report. It can be used as supporting qualitative material (not quantitative). • Where possible, reports should focus on a specific organisation and not an entire industry.
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